On-campus story time (Read Aloud + Craft Activity) in Chinese available in two schools
"Weekly family reading time at pick up | Just 15-minute casual read aloud every Thursday | No RSVP needed, everyone is welcome to stop by".
The parent volunteers in this Mountain View bilingual school have kicked off weekly family read aloud session with BookKnock books available on campus. The session is hosted by parent volunteers, with featured picture books Stone Soup Shi Tou Tang, Moonlight at Lotus
Pond He Tang Yue Se and Monkey King Da Nao Tian Gong.
Last Thursday, Monkey King was particularly loved by the children. When parent volunteer suggested to finish the second half the book next time, the children asked, "can we read just two more pages?"
At the end of each session, every child got one sticker on the reading log sheet for their participation. This is not a reading competition, instead, this is emphasized as group efforts of the children to read more and gain more gift books for school. At the end of the semester, BookKnock commits to match the number of stickers on the reading log and donate same number of books to the school.
Bi-weekly Noon Table of Books & Crafts is hosted in a public school in Palo Alto. Although Chinese second language class is not available in school curriculum yet, the community is very eager to get exposure to more Chinese books and Chinese culture. Books are brought to campus by PTA and parent volunteers for read aloud, leisure reading and for the children to trace the beautiful Chinese characters on the book cover. Children who do not speak Chinese are able to engage with the books. They enjoy the Chinese characters just like beautiful drawings, and they are very curious to ask about the meaning and pronunciation of the characters. Some children also ask the parent volunteers to help write down their names in Chinese characters.